What’s the Career Options Guide?

A hand pointing at a document with a list on it.

The Career Options Guide is part of the Framework.

In this fact sheet, we call it the Guide.

2 people looking at a computer together.

The Guide can help workers understand different career options.

Your career is the path you take in the area of work you choose.

The Guide explores how workers can:

An NDIS worker using a laptop outside.

  • find other types of support work

An NDIS worker using a hoist to help a participant out of their wheelchair and onto a changing table.

  • focus on a certain type of support.

The Guide also explores how workers can:

An NDIS worker and a person having a conversation using Auslan.

  • focus on what support each person needs

A manager in front of a group of NDIS workers.

  • become a leader or manager.

A light bulb, a speech bubble and a computer.

It gives information about the skills workers need for different career options.

A document that says 'Next' with a list on it.

It also helps workers understand the next steps in building a career.

A website icon.

You can find the Guide on our website.
