What happens if a provider uses these practices?

Code of Conduct icon.

We have a list of rules about how providers and support workers should behave.

We call it the NDIS Code of Conduct.

A hand holding someone else by the wrist, and a high risk icon and a cross.

The NDIS Code of Conduct says providers must deliver safe services.

This means they must not use high-risk practices.

A mouse cursor clicking.

You can find out more about the NDIS Code of Conduct on our website.

ndiscommission.easyread.com.au/ ndis-code-of-conduct/

A circle with an exclamation mark in it, and a provider holding a clipboard and smiling.

All providers must follow the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Even if they aren’t registered with the NDIS Commission.

A clipboard showing the word 'registered' and a tick, and a person with one hand up and the other hand pointing to themselves.

When a provider is registered with us, it means we have checked them.

This helps to make sure they provide good and safe services.

A Code of Conduct icon. There is a cross next to it.

If a provider uses high-risk practices, it breaks the rules of the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Somebody holding up their hand to say stop. Their other hand is supporting a young person in a wheelchair.

This could lead to the NDIS Commission working to:

  • stop them doing it again
  • make sure everyone is safe.

A legal document showing a judge's gavel, and a hand signing it with a pen.

We might take legal action against the person who used the high-risk practice.

Legal action is when we take someone to court for breaking the law.

A person is reading a clipboard, and there is a thought bubble showing a high risk icon.

A provider might find out a worker is using these practices on a participant.

A person holding their hand out to say stop.

The provider must:

  • stop the practices straight away
  • make sure the worker doesn’t do it again.

A provider supporting a participant. Next to them is a safety icon.

They must also make sure the participant is safe.

A person with their hand up, and a speech bubble showing a high risk icon.

You can tell us if you know about anyone using a high-risk practice.

A phone with a call icon on the screen.

You can call us.

1800 035 544

Email icon.

You can also email us.
