How does an audit work?

What happens before an audit?

A woman raising her hand to speak and the audit icon.

Your aged care home must tell you when they have an audit.

And they must find out if you want to take part.

A woman showing her identification lanyard to someone.

The audit team will visit your aged care home.

Two people signing in Auslan.

They might want to talk to some people with disability in your aged care home.

A man pointing at you and smiling.

This includes you.

3 person icons. 2 of them have ticks above them and one of them has a cross.

But they might not talk to everyone.

A woman looking in a folder, and a folder icon with an information icon on it.

They might want to look at files, like personal information.

2 people talking. 1 of them is taking notes.

It is your choice if you want to talk to the audit team.

A woman pointing at herself with an information file icon.

And it is your choice if you want them to look at your files.

A person giving a thumbs up and a signed consent document with a tick.

And you also need to give your consent.

When you give your consent, you say it’s okay to do something.

A lock and safety icon.

If you chose to take part, the audit team will keep what you say safe and private.

Can you have support if you take part in the audit?

A woman explaining a document to a man.

You can ask someone to support you in the audit.

A family of 5 people smiling for a photo.

This person can be a family member or friend.

A man supporting a woman and a megaphone icon.

They can also be an advocate.

An advocate is a person who speaks up for people with disability.

Two women talking to each other in the same language.

And they can be an interpreter.

An interpreter is someone who helps you understand what someone is saying in the language you speak.

A woman holding her hand out to stop someone.

Your support person shouldn’t work for your aged care home.

Where will the audit take place?

If you agree to take part in the audit, your aged care home will tell you:

A calendar with one day highlighted.

  • when the audit team will talk to you

A location marker with a question mark in it.

  • where this will happen.

You might talk to the audit team:

A woman talking on the phone.

  • on the phone

A man doing a video call on his phone.

  • on video chat

Two people signing in Auslan.

  • in person.

Two men sitting down and having a conversation.

The audit should be in a place that is:

  • private
  • safe
  • comfortable.

What happens in the audit?

A clock indicating 20 minutes.

The audit team will talk to you for about 20 minutes.

2 people shaking hands and introducing themselves.

The audit team will tell you who they are.

And they will check that you still want to talk to them.

A woman next to a question mark icon writing on a clipboard.

The audit team might ask you some questions.

For example they might ask:

  • Are you happy with the supports you get?
  • Do you have any ideas to make the services better?

2 people having a conversation.

The audit team are friendly.

And they are easy to talk to.

2 women talking. One of them is writing on a clipboard.

You can share what you think with the audit team.

A person writing on a clipboard. There is a smiley face and a sad face. They both have ticks above them.

There are no right or wrong answers.

A man showing another man a document, and a big cross.

They won’t share your answers with your aged care home.

A lock and safety icon.

They will keep your information safe and private.

Two women and a man looking at a document together.

The audit team will also talk to other people from your aged care home.

This includes:

  • other people with disability who stay there
  • workers.

A woman using a laptop.

And they will check your aged care home’s files.

This might include files about you if you give your consent.

It also includes files that explain how they do things.

What happens after the audit?

A calendar with 'A few days' written on it.

The audit might take a few days to finish.

A group of people having a meeting around a table.

After the audit, the audit team will have a meeting with your aged care home.

1 person passing a document to another.

They will also give a report to:

  • your aged care home
  • the NDIS Commission.

A report document.

The report will explain what the audit team learnt from everyone.

This includes what people think:

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

  • works well now

A woman reading a document and a badge with a star on it.

  • your aged care home can do better.

A speech bubble with an idea icon and a cross.

The report will not say what ideas you shared.

A person thinking, and a Registered document icon with a tick.

This will help us decide if your aged care home will be registered.