If you need support

A person making a phone call.

You can visit our website for information about who you can contact for support.


A computer mouse clicking on a link.

If you think you might be paying more for a support or service than you should, you can visit our website.


An email icon.

You can also email us.


A phone with a call icon on the screen.

You can also call us.

1800 035 544

The Parliament House building.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is part of the Australian government.

A thought bubble with a set of justice scales. A document with an icon of a hand writing with a pen.


  • helps people understand their rights when they buy items or services
  • can take action when a business isn’t supporting those rights.

A set of justice scales and a report document.

You can visit the ACCC’s website for more information about:

  • your rights when you buy items or services
  • how to make a report.

A computer mouse clicking on a link.


The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) logo.

If you need information in a language other than English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).

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