Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this fact sheet mean.

A thought bubble with a set of justice scales. A document with an icon of a hand writing with a pen.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

The ACCC is part of the Australian government.


  • helps people understand their rights when they buy items or services
  • can take action when a business isn’t supporting those rights.

A document with a dollar sign and an exclamation mark.


A fine is money a person must pay because:

  • they did something wrong
  • someone else found out about it.

A document with a dollar sign on it.


Funding is money from the government that pays for supports and services. 

A safety icon and an icon showing good quality.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)

The NDIS Commission makes sure people with disability who take part in the NDIS:

  • are safe
  • get good services.

A diverse group of NDIS participants. They are pointing at themselves with their other hand raised.


NDIS participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A group of 3 providers. One of them is pointing to themself.


Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.