How you can use the Framework

An NDIS worker pointing at themselves.

The NDIS workforce can use the Framework.

A participant smiling.

Participants can also use the Framework.

A person looking at a document.

First you need to choose what you want support with.

You need to select the:

2 people looking at a laptop together.

  • type of work

A person giving a thumbs up and holding a document with a tick on it.

  • objective.

An NDIS worker showing a participant a document.

Then you can use the Framework to find out:

  • what workers need to do
  • how they need to do it.

A hand pointing at the words 'General Support Work'.

For example, you can select ‘General Support Work’ as the type of work.

A hand pointing at the words 'Our relationship'.

Then you can select ‘Our relationship’ as the objective.

A thumbs up and an NDIS worker supporting a participant.

For the NDIS workforce, the Framework will explain what participants need to have a good relationship.

An NDIS worker and a participant having a conversation.

For participants, the Framework will give them ways to tell workers what they need.

This includes how to ask them to:

An NDIS worker and a participant shaking hands.

  • protect and respect their rights

An NDIS worker and a participant having a conversation using Auslan.

  • communicate in a way that meets their needs

An NDIS worker supporting a participant. They are both giving thumbs ups.

  • trust and respect each other

An NDIS worker showing a participant a document.

  • work together as a team.

A website icon.

You can find the Framework on our website.