How can you use the Tool?


Jen and a support worker shaking hands.

Participants can use the Tool.

For example, Jen wanted to hire her own support workers.

Jen shrugging.

But she wasn’t sure:

  • where to start
  • how to make sure the workers knew what she expected.

A computer with a document that says 'Job' on the screen.

She used the Tool to create a job description.

A document that says 'Needs' with a list on it.

The job description made it clear what she needed from her workers.

And it helped her know the right questions to ask people who wanted the job.

A document that says 'Guide' with a list on it.

The Tool also included a guide for her workers when they started.

Service providers

A person from NDIS Care using a laptop and looking at a document.

Service providers can use the Tool.

For example, NDIS Care is a service provider that wanted to hire workers to give support.

NDIS Care used the Tool to create clear job descriptions for:

A support worker supporting a participant.

  • support workers

A team leader in front of a group of support workers.

  • team leaders.

A document that says 'Job' with a list on it. Next to it is a tick.

NDIS Care worked with their participants to make sure the job descriptions had the right information.

A document with a participant and a support worker shaking hands on it.

They also used the Recruitment and Selection Resources to get more information about hiring workers.

An Easy Read document called 'What are the Recruitment and Selection Resources?'

We wrote an Easy Read fact sheet to explain the Recruitment and Selection Resources.

A website icon.

You can find it on our website.