Reading speed

1. Learn from participants

We want to learn from people with disability about the best ways to:

Someone supporting a participant.

  • work together

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised, and a speech bubble showing the scales of justice.

  • protect their rights.

A group of people with disability having their say in a meeting.

We will work with people with disability to make new rules about supported independent living (SIL).

A person supporting people with disability to cook in their home.

SIL is help with day-to-day tasks around your home so you can:

  • do things for yourself
  • learn new skills.

A diverse group of people looking at a laptop together.

We will also make the ways we work with other people and organisations more accessible.

A person reading a document, with a thought bubble showing a tick.

When something is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use
  • understand.

We will also share information about:

A group of people with different disabilities, under the scales of justice.

  • how to respect everyone’s rights at the same time

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised, and a speech bubble showing the scales of justice and a problem icon.

  • how different parts of someone’s life can affect their rights.