What must NDIS providers do when they use this technology?

NDIS providers must tell participants:

  • what technology they will use

  • how they will use a participant’s information

  • who will see a participant’s information.

They should also ask participants what they think about the surveillance technology.

NDIS providers must:

  • keep a participant’s information safe

  • protect a participant’s privacy and rights.

They should think about using technology that participants can turn off when they want privacy.

They should make sure people can only watch the recordings if they need to.

Workers must also have training on how to use the device.

This includes:

  • the laws they must follow
  • how to support the participant.

NDIS providers should often check that:

  • the device is working
  • a participant stills needs the device.

What should NDIS providers not do?

NDIS providers must not use surveillance technology to replace their:

  • workers
  • services and supports.

It’s important for participants to get supports that meet their needs.