What’s the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework?

A document with a list on it. Above the list are 2 people using an iPad together.

The NDIS Workforce Capability Framework explains what we expect from the NDIS workforce.

We call it the Framework.

2 NDIS workers smiling in an office.

The NDIS workforce is the group of people who:

  • provide services to participants
  • support them in their daily lives.

A group of people pointing to themselves and raising their hands

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A support icon with a tick.

The Framework helps the NDIS workforce understand:

  • how to provide good quality support
  • the skills they need
  • the attitudes they need to have.

2 people thinking.

Your attitudes are what you think, feel and believe.

2 people having a conversation. Above them is a speech bubble that shows a support icon.

The Framework can also help participants explain how they want to receive support.