What’s the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework?

A document called 'NDIS Framework' with a good quality icon and a safety icon on it.

The NDIS Workforce Capability Framework explains what we expect from the NDIS workforce.

We call it the Framework.

The NDIS workforce is the group of people who:

An NDIS worker supporting a participant to eat.

  • provide services and support to participants

An NDIS worker supporting a participant who is getting dressed.

  • support them in their daily lives.

A group of participants pointing at themselves with their other hands raised.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

The Framework helps the NDIS workforce understand:

An NDIS worker supporting a participant and a good quality icon.

  • how to provide good quality support

2 NDIS workers and a tick.

  • the skills they need

2 NDIS workers thinking.

  • the attitudes they need to have.

A person thinking.

Your attitudes are what you think, feel and believe.

2 people looking at a document together.

The Framework can also help participants explain how they want to receive support.

How did we create the Framework?

A calendar that says '18 months'.

We created the Framework over 18 months.

2 people having a conversation. One of them is writing on a document.

We talked to more than 600 people about how the Framework should work.

This included:

A group of participants pointing at themselves with their other hands raised.

  • participants and their families

A group of people looking at documents in an office.

  • experts

An NDIS worker supporting a participant to eat.

This also included workers and service providers.

2 people supporting someone else who is smiling and pointing at themselves.

Service providers support other people by delivering a service.