About this report

A diverse group of people with disability pointing at themselves.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

A person giving 2 thumbs up next to a safety icon and a quality badge icon.

Our job is to make sure participants:

  • are safe
  • get good quality services.

Quality is about services that:

A person with their hand up and their other hand pointing to themself.

  • support participants in the ways they need

A person making a choice between a cooking icon and a car. They are pointing at the cooking icon.

  • give participants choice and control.

A provider pointing to themself with their other hand up, and a checklist with a cross on it.

We also look into providers that are not following the rules.

A group of 3 people. The one in the middle is pointing to themself.

Providers support people by delivering a service.

A document showing a provider and a list, and a problem icon.

This report is about how we handled a provider who did not follow the rules.