About Irabina Autism Services

2 support workers in front of a building.

The provider that did not follow the rules is called Irabina Autism Services.

In this document, we just call them Irabina.

A support worker supporting a young person, and a support worker supporting a child.

Irabina runs programs for children and young people with autism.

A brain with an infinity symbol inside it.

Autism can affect how you:

  • think 
  • feel 
  • communicate 
  • connect and deal with others.

A calendar showing a month with 1 day ticked, and a support worker supporting someone.

In 2019, Irabina started a new day program to help people with their behaviour.

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised.

Your behaviour is what you do.

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised, and a speech bubble showing a problem icon.

In 2020, we started hearing about problems with restrictive practices at Irabina.

A person in restraints next to a lock.

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving 
  • doing what they want.