What we found out

A law expert reading a document next to a magnifying glass.

In 2023, we asked Jennifer to review the way we handled Irabina.

A tick and a thumbs up next to an up arrow.

When you review something, you check to see what: 

  • works well 
  • needs to be better. 

A person reading a document.

We explain what we found out from Jennifer on the following pages.

Restrictive practices at Irabina

A person in restraints next to a lock icon, and a tick.

We started teaching Irabina about the right way to use restrictive practices in 2019.

A calendar showing October 2020.

But in October 2020, people started making complaints to us about Irabina.

A person raising their hand to say something. Above them is a speech bubble showing a thumbs down.

When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong 
  • is not working well. 

A person in restraints next to a lock.

Most of the complaints were about restrictive practices in the new day program.

A person shaking their finger in a no gesture.

In 2021, we learned that Irabina was using restrictive practices when they were not allowed to.

A scale showing high risk, and a problem icon.

We also learned that Irabina used restrictive practices in the new day program that put participants at risk of:

  • getting hurt
  • dying.

Information about Irabina

A folder with an information icon on it. Inside are documents.

We received information from Irabina about their use of restrictive practices.

A person with a thought bubble showing a tick.

We believed that this information was true.

A folder with an information icon on it. Inside are documents with a speech bubble showing a cross.

We now know that this information was often:

  • not true
  • not all the information we asked for.

We also received information from:

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised, and a speech bubble showing a thumbs down.

  • people who made complaints

A report document and a government building.

  • a report from the Victorian Government.

A COVID-19 germ above a person outside a building and a cross.

We could not visit Irabina in-person because of COVID-19.

A person writing on a clipboard with a thought bubble showing a tick and a cross.

This made it hard to confirm if the information was true.

A computer screen showing 2 cogs, and a problem icon.

Our computer systems also made it hard to share information about Irabina with the right people.

What did not work well

A person with a thought bubble showing a problem icon.

We now know that there were some problems with how we handled Irabina.

A person looking tired at a desk with a big stack of folders and documents in front of them.

We believe this is because:

  • lots of people stopped working for us
  • we did not have enough people to do the work.

A calendar showing October 2021, and a folder with documents in it and a tick.

In October 2021, we had enough proof to give Irabina an infringement notice.

A document showing a gavel and text, with a cross at the end.

An infringement notice is a document that explains:

  • that someone has broken the law
  • what they need to do now.

A person giving a document to someone else under a cross.

We did not give Irabina an infringement notice.

2 documents each showing an icon of restrictive practices and a list.

In August 2022, we received 2 reports about the way Irabina was using restrictive practices.

These reports showed that we:

A stop icon.

  • should have stopped what Irabina was doing

A disability icon with a cross on it, above 2 people who work for a provider.

  • could have banned 2 of the people who ran Irabina from working in disability support services.

A person with their hand up next to a cross.

We did not take any action after we received these reports.

When people made complaints to us about Irabina, we:

A person thinking with a speech bubble with a cross on it.

  • did not answer some of them

A calendar with a group of days highlighted, and a problem icon.

  • took too long to answer some of them.

What we can do now

A person reading a folder next to a problem icon and a tick.

We have already fixed many of the problems that the review found.

A stack of money above a government building.

This includes funding for more staff.

Funding is money from the government to pay for public services.

A thumbs up with an arrow pointing up next to a computer screen showing 2 cogs.

We also plan to get a better computer system.

A safety icon over a diverse group of people with disability.

But there is still more to do to make sure participants are safe.

A safety icon above a support worker supporting someone.

We need a better way to check that programs for children with autism:

  • are safe
  • work well.

A provider pointing to themself with their other hand raised, next to a skills badge and a tick.

We need to check that providers have the right skills for the supports they deliver.

A magnifying glass on a safety icon above a support worker supporting a young person, and a support worker supporting a child.

And we need to check that new programs are safe for participants.

3 workers outside a large office building.

We need to work more closely with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

A law document next to a tick and a government building.

We need to work more closely with state and territory governments to make sure providers follow the law.

A person using a phone with a speech bubble showing a problem icon.

We need to make it easier for families and carers to contact us when they have a problem with a program.

A large group of children with disability and their parents having a meeting.

We can look into starting a new family and carers group.

This could help us communicate with the families of participants.

A person with a lanyard checking in on another person.

We can also look at new ways of:

  • visiting providers
  • checking how providers treat participants.