Contact us

A calendar that says 'Monday to Friday' and '9am to 5pm'.

You can call the NDIS Commission from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

A map of the NT and a phone icon. Below is the time '9am to 4:30pm'.

If you live in the Northern Territory, you can call from 9am to 4.30pm.

A phone with a call icon on the screen.

You can call the NDIS Commission.

1800 035 544

An email icon.

You can send the NDIS Commission an email.

Mail address icon.

You can write to the NDIS Commission.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

PO Box 210


NSW 2750

A computer with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website on the screen.

You can go to the NDIS Commission’s website.

A teletypewriter.


133 677

A phone with a call icon on the screen.

The National Relay Service

Speak and Listen

1300 555 727

SMS relay number

0423 677 767

Website address.

Internet relay calls

LinkedIn icon.

You can follow the NDIS Commission on LinkedIn.

Facebook icon.

You can follow the NDIS Commission on Facebook.