What we did last year

Each year, we write a report about the work we have done.

This report explains what we did between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Improving technology and data

In April 2024, we improved the technology our call centre uses.

This technology has:

  • helped us support more people quickly

  • doubled the number of phone calls our call centres take.

In May 2024, we received money from the government to support the Data and Regulatory Transformation (DART) program.

When we talk about data, we mean:

  • facts
  • information
  • records.

The DART program helps us collect and share data.

This data helps us to better protect participants.

Improving home and living supports

In April 2024, we created the House and Living Supports team.

This team makes sure that NDIS providers of home and living supports:

  • work well
  • follow the rules.

This includes specialist disability accommodation (SDA) providers.

SDA is housing for people with disability who need a lot of support.

This also includes supported independent living (SIL) providers.

SIL is help with daily tasks around your home so you can:

  • do things for yourself
  • learn new skills.

Connecting with the community

Between 7 June and 10 July 2024, we asked people to take part in a survey.

10,949 people answered this survey.

83% of people who took part in the survey said they trust the NDIS Commission.

96% of NDIS providers who took part in the survey said training helped them understand what:

  • quality services mean to NDIS participants
  • safe services mean to NDIS participants.

We ran 68 events.

Some of these events were in areas far away from cities and towns.

These events focused on helping participants to:

  • understand their rights

  • know how to make a complaint.

When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.

These events also focused on:

  • sharing information about the NDIS Commission

  • improving the quality of behaviour support plans.

A behaviour support plan explains how other people should support you to live your best life.

It helps people understand your behaviour.

Experience with disability

Our Consultative Committee is a group of people who have experience with disability.

For example, they might:

  • have a disability
  • have experienced what life can be like for people with disability.

Our Committee gives us advice on issues that affect people with disability.

In August 2023, we made a new Committee.

Our new Committee now includes 20 members.

Over 50% of these members are participants.

Protecting participants

We helped over 1,300 people with disability who were at risk of:

  • someone hurting them

  • someone not helping them the way they need

  • experiencing homelessness.

Homelessness is when someone:

  • doesn’t have home
  • must find a place to sleep each night. 

Looking into services and providers

We looked into the quality of Platform Providers.

Platform Providers are an online service that participants can use to get supports.

We shared a report about what we found out in September 2023.

The report looked at how many people use Platform Providers.

It also looked at if these services give people who live far away from cities and towns more choice.

We also looked into services that help participants:

  • plan and use their supports
  • manage their NDIS plan.

We looked at if we need to change the way we make sure these services:

  • work well
  • follow the rules.

We shared a report about what we found out in August 2023.

Working with NDIS providers

We received 29,054 complaints about NDIS providers in 2023 to 2024.

We closed 15,064 complaints about NDIS providers.

We sent 3,558 warning letters to NDIS providers.

We asked 42 NDIS providers to make sure they are following rules about the way they must work.

We told 147 NDIS providers they have to pay money for breaking the law.

We told 187 NDIS providers they could no longer be registered providers.

Registered providers:

  • must follow certain rules that we set
  • can offer certain supports and services to participants.

We told 124 NDIS providers they could not provide certain NDIS services anymore.

Supporting our staff

1,036 staff in total now work for the NDIS Commission.

410 of our staff took part in a program ran by the Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

This program taught staff about the skills and tools they need to make sure services:

  • work well
  • follow the rules.

We created 5 groups for our staff to take part in at work.

These groups will focus on supporting and celebrating what makes people different from each other.

This includes groups for:

  • people with disability and carers

  • young workers under 35 years old

  • First Nations people

  • people from different backgrounds

  • people from the LGBTIQA+ community.

The letters LGBTIQA stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning and asexual. 

The ‘+’ is for people who are part of the LGBTIQA+ community but don’t talk about themselves using a word from this list. 

We also asked our staff to take part in a survey about their work.

This survey helped us learn:

  • what our staff understands about their job

  • what we need to do to improve training for our staff.