Why is it important to talk to your worker?

When you talk to your workers you can explain:

A participant and a worker having a conversation.

  • how you want them to support you

A participant giving 2 thumbs up.

  • what you like

A participant giving 2 thumbs down.

  • what you don’t like.

A participant and a worker having a conversation. Above the worker is a thumbs up in a thought bubble.

If you talk to your workers often, they will know how you want them to support you.

A participant and a worker having a conversation. Above the participant is a tick and a cross in a speech bubble.

And you’ll know your workers will listen to you when you give feedback.

A service provider pointing at themselves with their other hand raised.

You should talk to your service provider if you can’t talk to your worker.

It’s your service provider’s job to make sure you feel safe and supported.