About the NDIS Commission

NDIS logo.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports NDIS participants across Australia.

A group of participants pointing at themselves with one hand and raising their other hand.

Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A participant giving 2 thumbs up, a safety icon and a good quality icon.

We make sure participants:

  • are safe
  • get good quality services.

Quality is about receiving good services that:

A participant pointing at themselves and raising their hand.

  • meet the needs of people with disability

A participant making a choice between a cooking icon and a car icon. They are pointing at the cooking icon.

  • give people with disability choice and control.

3 providers. One of them is pointing at themselves.

We make sure NDIS providers are doing a good job.

Providers support people by delivering a service.

A document called 'Registered' with a tick.

We manage a list of NDIS providers.

We call them registered providers.

Registered providers:

A registered provider with one hand raised and their other on their chest. Next to them is a rules document.

  • must follow certain rules that we set

A registered provider helping a participant who is in a wheelchair.

  • can offer certain supports and services to participants.

A person writing on a document and a rules document.

We also make sure NDIS providers and workers follow the rules.

We help:

A person raising their hand and looking confused next to another person writing on a document.

  • fix problems

A person writing on a document. Next to them is a badge with a star on it.

  • make NDIS supports and services better.

A participant raising their hand.

We also help participants speak up for themselves if someone:

  • hurts them
  • treats them badly
  • doesn’t give them what they promised.

A person looking at a clipboard and a complaint icon. This icon is of a speech bubble with a thumbs down icon inside it.

We also handle complaints about the supports and services people get from NDIS providers.

A participant raising their hand and a complaint icon.

When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.