What we did last year

A person writing on a document. Next to them is a report document with a graph on it.

Each year, we write a report about the work we’ve done.

An arrow pointing from a calendar that reads '1 July 2022' to another calendar that reads '30 June 2023'.

This report explains what we did between:

  • 1 July 2022


  • 30 June 2023.

Making sure we work well

A calendar with 2 arrows pointing to the right on it.

This year we delivered our Future State program.

2 workers looking at a document together. Above them is a change icon.

The program looks at how we can change:

  • the way we work
  • what we need to focus on
  • how we can be a better regulator.

A person writing on a document. Next to them is a tick.

A regulator makes sure:

  • everything works well
  • everyone follows the rules.

A person raising their hand to say something. Above them is a complaint icon.

The program helped us work better.

For example, more people shared their complaints with us.

A stopwatch with speed lines coming off of it.

The program also helped us work quicker.

For example, we were able to look at urgent matters quicker.

A provider holding a document. Next to them is a change icon.

We have also asked more providers to change the way they work to better support participants.

Events in the community

A group of staff members. Next to them is a calendar that reads '773'.

Our staff went to 773 events in the community.

A group of people having a conversation at an event with a lot of people in the background.

Almost 25,000 people went to these events.

This includes:

A group of participants pointing at themselves with one hand and raising their other hand.

  • participants

2 providers next to each other.

  • providers

A group of people working together in an office.

  • organisations who support people with disability.

A building in an area far away from cities and towns. Above it is a calendar that reads '5'.

We ran 5 events in areas far away from cities and towns.

A worker supporting a participant to read a document. Above them is an icon showing good quality.

These events looked at the quality of behaviour support plans.

A behaviour support plan document with a worker supporting a participant on it.

A behaviour support plan explains how other people should support you to live your best life.

It helps people understand your behaviour.

Supporting areas far away from cities and towns

A person writing on a document. Next to them is a thumbs up with an arrow pointing up.

We want to improve our work as a regulator for areas far away from cities and towns.

A group of people working together in a room. A person at the front of the room is writing on a whiteboard.

We worked with others to make workshops.

This includes:

A map of Queensland next to a state and territory government building.

  • the Queensland government

A map of the Northern Territory next to a state and territory government building.

  • the Northern Territory government

A First Nations person pointing to themself with their other hand raised.

  • First Nations providers.

A building in an area far away from cities and towns. Above it is a provider supporting a participant.

The workshops look at how we can support areas far away from cities and towns.

A family of First Nations peoples.

The workshops also look at how to deliver the right supports and services to First Nations peoples in these areas.

A provider supporting a participant. Above them is a stop sign.

This includes what stops providers from delivering the right supports and services to First Nations peoples in these areas.

Protecting participants

A supported accommodation house with a magnifying glass focusing on it.

We looked into the quality of supported accommodation supports.

A worker supporting a participant in front of a supported accommodation house.

Supported accommodation is a type of housing for people with disability who need day-to-day support.

A report document with a magnifying glass on it.

In January 2023 we shared a report about what we found.

Our report shared:

A supported accommodation house with a problem icon next to it.

  • problems with supported accommodation

A person raising their hand and looking confused next to another person writing on a document.

  • ways to fix problems with supported accommodation.

A worker supporting a participant in SDA.

We also looked into the quality of specialist disability accommodation (SDA).

SDA is housing for people with disability who need extra support most of the time.

A group of people having a conversation at a desk.

We wrote to all 1,524 SDA providers about concerns people have shared about SDA.

A laptop with a provider supporting a participant on the screen. Above the laptop is a thumbs up with an arrow pointing up.

In February 2023 we started looking into ways to improve Platform Providers.

Platform Providers are a service participants can use to get supports online.

A participant using a laptop.

We want to better understand the experience participants have with these providers.

A report document with a magnifying glass on it.

We shared a report about what we found in September 2023.

NDIS Workforce Capability Framework

The Framework document with a worker supporting a participant on it.

We created the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework.

We call it the Framework.

2 NDIS workers in an office.

The Framework explains what we expect from the NDIS workforce.

A worker supporting a participant to shave.

The NDIS workforce is the group of people who:

  • provide services to participants
  • support them in their day-to-day lives.

A worker supporting a participant to read a document.

We worked with participants to create the Framework.

A participant with their hand raised. Next to them is a laptop with a tick on the screen.

Almost 40,800 people have used the Framework website in the last year.

A website icon - an address bar on a computer with 'www.' in it and a mouse cursor on top of it.

You can find the Framework on our website.
