Contact us

A calendar that reads 'Monday to Friday' and a card below it that reads '9am to 5pm'.

You can call us from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

A map of the Northern Territory and a mobile phone with a call icon on the screen. A card below reads '9am to 4:30pm'.

If you live in the Northern Territory, you can call us from 9am to 4.30pm.

A mobile phone with a call icon on the screen.

You can call us.

1800 035 544

An email icon - the '@' symbol.

You can send us an email.

Mail address icon - 2 envelopes, one of them has a stamp on it.

You can write to us.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission,

PO Box 210,


NSW 2750

A computer with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website on the screen.

You can go to our website.

A teletypewriter with the word 'Hello' on the screen.


133 677

A mobile phone with a call icon on the screen.

The National Relay Service

Speak and Listen

1300 555 727

SMS relay number

0423 677 767

A website icon - an address bar on a computer with 'www.' in it and a mouse cursor on top of it.

Internet relay calls

The LinkedIn logo.

You can follow us on LinkedIn.

The Facebook logo.

You can follow us on Facebook.