Our work in numbers


A document with a list of providers on it, and ticked checkboxes next to each one.

We had 16,378 registered providers by 30 June 2023.

A plan document with a person supporting another person on it.

Providers created 15,967 behaviour support plans in 2022–2023.

A calendar that reads '2022 to 2023' with a complaint icon next to it.

We received 16,305 complaints in 2022–2023.

A provider holding a clipboard. Next to them is a change icon.

This led to us to ask 9,624 providers to change the way they work.

2 people having a conversation. There is a speech bubble above one person with a support icon and a cross inside it.

And we told 92 providers they could not provide certain NDIS services anymore.

Information we shared

A participant in a wheelchair looking at a document. Next to them is an information icon.

We shared 8,300 information packs with participants.

This included:

A folder with an information icon on it.

  • 3,121 standard packs

A folder with an Easy Read document on it.

  • 2,705 packs in Easy Read

A person reading Braille.

  • 319 packs in Braille.

A provider looking at a document. Next to them is a folder with an information icon on it.

We also shared 7,415 information packs with providers.

A folder with an information icon on it. Next to the folder is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.

We shared 1,056 standard packs for First Nations peoples.

A folder with an Easy Read document on it. Next to the folder is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.

We also shared 1,099 packs in Easy Read for First Nations peoples.

Online training

A 'Code of Conduct' document with a list of rules on it.

868,286 people have finished our training about the NDIS Code of Conduct.

A Code of Conduct is a list of rules about how providers and workers should behave.

An arrow pointing from a calendar that reads '1 July 2019' to another calendar that reads '30 June 2023'.

This was between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2023.

2 people looking at a document and a thumbs up icon next to them.

99,088 people have finished our training about how to communicate clearly with people with disability.

An arrow pointing from a calendar that reads 'October 2021' to another calendar that reads '30 June 2023'.

This was between October 2021 and 30 June 2023.

A worker supporting a participant. Next to them are icons of a spoon, a fork and a knife.

70,178 people have finished our training about how to support people with disability during mealtimes.

An arrow pointing from a calendar that reads 'April 2022' to another calendar that reads '30 June 2023'.

This was between April 2022 and 30 June 2023.

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

96% of people who finished our training and took a survey said it was good or very good.

A person with a thought bubble that has a worker supporting a participant in it. Next to them is an icon showing good quality.

98% of people said our training helped them learn how to better support people with disability.