Our work in numbers
We had 16,378 registered providers by 30 June 2023. |
Providers created 15,967 behaviour support plans in 2022–2023. |
We received 16,305 complaints in 2022–2023. |
This led to us to ask 9,624 providers to change the way they work. |
And we told 92 providers they could not provide certain NDIS services anymore. |
Information we shared
We shared 8,300 information packs with participants. |
This included: |
We also shared 7,415 information packs with providers. |
We shared 1,056 standard packs for First Nations peoples. |
We also shared 1,099 packs in Easy Read for First Nations peoples. |
Online training
868,286 people have finished our training about the NDIS Code of Conduct. A Code of Conduct is a list of rules about how providers and workers should behave. |
This was between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2023. |
99,088 people have finished our training about how to communicate clearly with people with disability. |
This was between October 2021 and 30 June 2023. |
70,178 people have finished our training about how to support people with disability during mealtimes. |
This was between April 2022 and 30 June 2023. |
96% of people who finished our training and took a survey said it was good or very good. |
98% of people said our training helped them learn how to better support people with disability. |