What do we want to focus on?

A document with the number '5' and an importance icon on it.

Our Plan includes 5 priorities that will guide what we do over the next year.

Priorities are things we need to focus on to achieve our goals.

A person supporting another person. Next to them is a good quality icon.

1. Good quality services

A participant making a choice between a cooking icon and a car icon. They are pointing at the cooking icon.

2. Choice and control

A person writing on a document and a tick.

3. Being a good regulator

A person holding a document called 'Goal' with a tick on it.

4. Working together to reach our goals

2 people looking at a document together.

5. Supporting our staff to do a good job

In the following sections we explain:

A document with an importance icon on it.

  • our priorities

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

  • what we will do to support them.