Offer someone the job

A participant and a support worker shaking hands.

Once you decide on the best worker, you’re ready to offer them the job.

A phone with a call icon on the screen and an email icon.

You should let them know as soon as possible:

  • by phone
  • by email.

A calendar that says 'Start'.

You should also agree on a start date with your worker.

A document called 'Service agreement' with a handshake icon on it.

You should create a service agreement.

A service agreement is a written agreement between you and your worker.

It explains:

  • the supports you will use
  • how your worker will give you those supports
  • how much the supports cost.

A website icon.

You can find out more about how to create a service agreement on the NDIS website.

This includes Easy Read information. making-service-agreement

A person and a participant looking at a laptop together.

You can ask a friend, family member or support person to help you create one.

A participant and a support worker having a conversation. Above the participant is a speech bubble with a thumbs icon inside it.

You should also tell the people you didn’t choose that they didn’t get the job.

A website icon.

We created a tool to help you write a letter telling people they didn’t get the job.

You can find this tool on our website.