Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

A person with their hands on their head.


Abuse is when someone treats you badly.

A person accessing information on a digital tablet.


When information is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use
  • understand.

A group of people with 2 speech bubbles. The first bubble has a tick in it, and the second bubble has a make better icon.

Advisory group

An advisory group is a group of people who work with us to share what:

  • is working well
  • needs to work better.

A document with a thumbs down and a list on it.

Civil action

Civil action is when you take someone to court because they have done something you don’t agree with.

They might have to pay you money if something bad happened to you.

A group of people working together in a meeting.


Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

A tick, an information icon and a 'Records' folder with documents in it.


When we talk about data, we mean:

  • facts
  • information
  • records.

A train icon, a car icon, a shopping icon, a communication icon and a cooking icon.


When a market is diverse, there are lots of different supports and services to choose from.

A person standing over someone who is sitting on the ground and looking sad.


Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of you.

A document with a gavel and a list on it.

Legal action

Legal action is when the government takes someone to court for breaking the law.

A car icon, a support icon, a communication icon and a cooking icon.


The market is the supports and services people can find and use.

A person sitting on the ground and looking sad.


Neglect is when someone is not helping you the way they are supposed to help you.

A document with 'NDIS' and a magnifying glass on it.

NDIS Review

The Australian Government is checking the NDIS to find out what:

  • works well
  • could be better.

They call it the NDIS Review.

A group of participants pointing at themselves with their other hand raised.


Participants are people with disability who take part in the NDIS.

A document with an importance icon and a list on it.


Priorities are things we need to focus on to achieve our goals.

3 providers. One of the providers is pointing at themselves.


Providers support people by delivering a service.

A participant pointing at themselves and raising their hand.


Quality is about receiving good services that:

  • support participants in the ways they need
  • give participants choice and control.

A person writing on a clipboard with a tick next to them.


A regulator makes sure:

  • everything works well
  • everyone follows the rules.

A person struggling to move their body and a cross.

Restrictive practices

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving
  • doing what they want.

A person pointing to themself with their other hand raised. Next to them is a law document with a scales of justice on it.


Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

A group of people having a meeting.

Royal commission

A royal commission is how the government looks into a big problem.

It helps us find out what:

  • went wrong
  • we can fix.

A person supporting a person with disability in front of a house.

Supported accommodation

Supported accommodation is a type of housing for people with disability who need support.

A fist.


Violence is when someone hurts you physically.

3 NDIS Commission workers having a conversation in an office.


Our workforce is the group of people who work at the NDIS Commission.