1. Supporting the voices of participants

A provider supporting a participant. The participant has a speech bubble with 3 dots in it.

We want to make sure participants feel supported to have their say.

A worker listening to a participant sharing their experiences.

We will keep listening to what participants have to say about:

  • NDIS supports and services
  • the work we do.

A group of people with 2 speech bubbles. The first bubble has a tick in it, and the second bubble has a make better icon.

For example, we will listen to advisory groups.

An advisory group is a group of people who work with us to share what:

  • is working well
  • needs to work better.

A group of people working together in a meeting.

We will also use co-design to improve the way we do our work.

Co-design is when people work together to plan something new.

A community of people with an information icon above them.

We will also use co-design to share information with the community.

A folder with an accessibility icon on it.

This information will show the community:

  • how they can share information with us
  • how we share accessible information with them.

A person accessing information on a digital tablet.

When information is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use
  • understand.

A participant with their hand raised. They have a speech bubble with 3 dots in it.

We will make a way to support participants who get behaviour supports.

This includes making sure participants can have their say about decisions that affect these supports.