2. Being a better regulator

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

We want to keep improving the way we work as a regulator.

A person writing on a clipboard with a tick next to them.

A regulator makes sure:

  • everything works well
  • everyone follows the rules.

3 NDIS Commission workers having a conversation in an office.

We will work on making sure we improve the skills of our workforce.

Our workforce is the group of people who work at the NDIS Commission.

A document with a question mark on it.

We will use a survey to check how we are doing.

2 people shaking hands.

The survey will look at:

  • how well we work
  • how well other regulators work.

We will look at areas where:

A rules document with a cross and a list on it.

  • people don’t follow the rules

A high risk icon.

  • participants are most at risk.

We will explain these areas to:

2 providers next to each other.

  • providers

A group of participants pointing at themselves with their other hand raised.

  • participants

A group of people working together in an office.

  • other organisations we work with.

A provider supporting a participant. Next to them is a safety icon.

And we will focus on ways we can support providers to make sure participants are safe.

An upset participant pointing to themself. Next to them is a high risk icon.

We will also take more action when providers put participants at risk.

A document with a gavel and a list on it.

This includes legal action.

Legal action is when the government takes someone to court for breaking the law.

A document with a thumbs down and a list on it.

And it includes civil action.

Civil action is when you take someone to court because they have done something you don’t agree with.

A stack of money.

They might have to pay you money if something bad happened to you.